Category: News

  • TEAL: Technology Enabled Active Learning

    “Students and professors everywhere know the dangers of large lecture halls. Back of the room boredom. Half-glimpsed equations seen across a crowded room. Attention spans designed to last between one commercial break and the next. The natives get restless. Move in their seats, beam notes to each other by PDA, doodle in the margins of…

  • StudioMIT: A Digital Academic Village

    “Compare a crowded urban mall and a crowded college campus. The mall has designer clothes, the smell of fast food, and roving groups of young people. The campus has classrooms, the smell of fast food, and roving groups of young people…” Micronews, Microsoft Research Current Research, April 2002 Original Link:

  • Sensors atop flagpole measure movement

    “On a breezy day, a flag can take a real beating as it blows around at the top of a flagpole. Now there’s a way to know just what conditions are like on that pole, thanks to a project that placed sensors at the top of one campus flagpole to transmit data to a web…