Category: News
iGEM 2005: Synthetic Biology’s Future
Before plunging too deeply into iGEM 2005 – the intercollegiate Genetically Engineered Machine competition, held at MIT last weekend, consider a few of the awards: Best Use of Transmogrified Smiley Faces (Caltech), Best Confession (U Texas), Most Modest Goal (MIT), Best Uniform (University of Cambridge, U.K.) My favorite was Best “Hail Mary” Cloning (Oklahoma).” Read…
Teams gather for genetic engineering competition
Deborah Halber, News Office Correspondent November 3, 2005 More than 150 students and instructors from 13 universities across North America and Europe will convene at MIT this weekend to unveil their biological designs at the 2005 International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition. The teams worked all summer to design and build engineered biological systems using…
The Passion to Action Summit: The MIT Leadership Center Launch, Cambridge MA, October 6, 2005. “Domeview presentation (video webstream under ‘SESSION 2: DEVELOPING FUTURE LEADERS’),” Harel Williams.