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Active Learning in Mechanical Engineering

Active Learning Mechanical Engineering

June 2000–November 2002

Faculty in Mechanical Engineering transformed the introductory course, Mechanics and Materials, away from the traditional large lecture format and towards a Scientific Discovery model where students participate actively. The course discarded passive lectures in favor of a new instructional format where students performed small-group in-class experiments with desktop equipment, to explore phenomena before they were formally covered in lecture. The faculty also created Web-based learning modules for courses in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer.

They also developed a mechatronics toolkit for use with laptops, to be used in the classroom/laboratory to run experiments and at home to interface with household appliances, power tools, toys, and workout equipment. The kit included a range of sensors, a data acquisition system, a motion controller, motors, and an easy-to-use software package, allowing users to monitor and control almost anything they desired.

Investigators: Prof. Mary Boyce, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering; Prof. Sanjay Sarma, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering