This site has been archived. iCampus was active from 1999 to 2006.

iMOAT: MIT Online Assessment Tool

September 2001–June 2004

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iMOAT, the iCampus MIT Online Assessment Tool, is a service for Web-based administration and grading of writing examinations. It has been used for assessing writing skills of MIT entering students since 1998 and refined by writing instruction experts at five major universities. The iMOAT Web service:

  • incorporates reliable and valid writing situations
    that give students time to think, write, and revise
  • transforms assessment into learning by providing
    detailed individual feedback
  • integrates preparatory readings of any length
  • gives universities and complete control over the
    content, schedule, and grading of exams
  • significantly reduces assessment costs

About iMOAT

iMOAT facilitates best practices in writing assessment. It lets students complete assignments or take exams anywhere in the world. It permits universities to define key elements of assessment instruments and academic assignments, including number and relative weights of test elements, online readings, time allotted, and specific practices for holistic scoring. It incorporates online scoring of essays and real-time quality control. Other applications include K-12 education, portfolios in writing and other subjects, and distance learning.

“Other universities are following MIT’s lead in using the Web to assess student writing abilities. This innovation, already known among writing program administrators as ‘the MIT Model,’ allows colleges to design tests for their institution that reflect each institution’s educational philosophy and closely resemble the kinds of writing situations its students will encounter during their educational and professional careers.”

—Dr. Leslie Perelman, Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies

Exploring and Using iMOAT

Investigators: Dr. Leslie Perelman, Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies; Chris Felknor