Category: News
Students Give Rave Reviews to Online Critic
“Thank-you notes so rarely follow exams that Leslie Perelman, director of Writing Across the Curriculum in the Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies, has to repeat himself when he describes this unexpected measure of success for MIT’s Online Assessment Tool, known as iMOAT…” Tech Talk, December 18, 2002 Original Link:
Scholarly Communication in a Digital World: A Thought Provoking Symposium To Celebrate the World-Wide Launch of DSpace (Video lecture)
ABOUT THE LECTURE: MIT Libraries Director Ann Wolpert defines Dspace and explains that “solving the digital problem” is central to the mission of libraries and librarians. She also announces plans for a federation with other research based universities, and explains the critical role of the H-P MIT Alliance. MITWorld – DSpace series, Lecture on November…
SafeRide Replaces Vans, Online Tracking Expected
“SafeRide, MIT’s nighttime transportation service, has replaced some of its vans with buses on busier routes and may soon implement the new Web Global Positioning Satellite I-Campus project…” Read More The Tech, November 1, 2002